domingo, 15 de agosto de 2010

Rush t-shirts over the world

 Thank you, mate Robert. - 564.144 views until August 15th 2010 - here the video he dedicated to me:
From New York Fernanda. Thanx!

Merci, dame Mimi.

 From Porto - Portugal (without Mustache). Thank you Thalita.

 感謝 - 杉山綾子 (Jinjya) - Great Ayako.
                                                  O A

YYZ Tag:
This information is known by some fans, but if you did not know, then check out the story behind one of the major successes of Rush , the instruemental “YYZ” instrumental .
All airports in the world follow a three-letter code called IATA airport identification and Lester B. International Airport Pearson, principal of Toronto takes exactly this code YYZ.

The most interesting factor is that the honor is beyond just an appointment.
The steady beat characteristic of the first 37 seconds of the song are a kind of protocol in Morse code, purposely built on top of the letters "Y", "Y" and "Z". The symbology can be described through an agreement between dots and dashes that can be better understood with this shirt that I have below:
Surprisingly talent Rush was not recognized by the jury of a Grammy in the instrumental music in 1982, a fact which angered many people because the winning song "Behind my Camel" from "The Police" was unquestionably boring.
It's so strange to understand what happened in the minds of jurors, that even the "Sting" once confessed: "I hated that song so much that, one day when I was in the studio, I found the tape lying on the table. So I took it around the back of the studio and actually buried it in the garden."
 (Listen here for the first and hopefully last time

terça-feira, 10 de agosto de 2010

It´s fucking Rush!! - I Love you, man (2009)

                             It´s fucking Rush!! - I Love you, man (2009).

Peter Klaven (interpreted by Paul Rudd) is a successful professional in real estate business, and has two main hard goals in the movie “I love you, man (2009), find out a best man to his wedding with Zooey Rice (Rashida Jones) and get a costumer to buy Lou Ferrigno´s house (as own Ferrigno) , the strong actor who was Incredible Hulk in 70´s.

After knowing Sydney Fife (Jason Seguel), the well-behaved Peter builds a bond of friendship based in trust and such Rush in the head.

One of the most memorably moments is when Sydney discovers that the band is in town and by telephone invites his new friend to watch a Rush concert. At first he is reluctant because that day is the day he likes to stay with Zooey watching HBO, but after listening loud “It´s fuckin´Rush!!!” he convinced that the movie has to be in second plane.
Limelight has been chose the music for the show scene, and it´s too funny notice thousand guys and few girls over there. Zooey followed his fiancé and his friend, and try to entertain with them, but she can´t understand the Canadian sound, and so far, she crosses her arms and watch Peter “slapping the bass” in the air. 

segunda-feira, 9 de agosto de 2010


2112 – Back to the Future 

Making that connection was natural because I also love the movie, butI still needed lots of energy and phosphate to burn.
I can´t draw, but I can use photoshop sometimes, so I found an image and created a picture with Doc Brown and Marty McFly hitchhiking holding a 2112 sign, and showing to Lee, Lifeson and Peart who were going fast in a Delorean. I sent by email to Rob Seveertrebor, an English guy that is one of the most popular Rush guitar players on Youtube, and some fans as well.

I went to Rio de Janeiro (124 miles from my city) to watch Rush´s documentary “Beyond the Lighted Stage" and met some fans carrying my calendars, books, t-shirts, dvds, cds and other stuff. It was so cool when I heard people saying great words for my job, including one guy called Tiago, that didn´t know me until then: “Today I saw great pictures posted by a fan on internet”. His friends and I laughed loud and I said, that fan is on your side right now. I dined with Rush Rio Cover and it was a nice evening.

Coming back to my town, I watched a video of a friend of mine called @Pablo_Peixoto. It was so funny! He dubbed the movie “Falling Down”  using Dunga – Brazil´s Coach during the last World Cup – as “Michael Douglas”. The other characters were soccer players and Brazilian celebrities. It became so popular that it was the most watched video of the week in my country reaching 1,000,000 views in 7 days, and now it’s running in MTV’s VMB Awards in the  Web hit category against the infamous “Cala Boca Galvão”.

I played Rush’s songs in Wii’s Guitar Band with Pablo, but he said he’s too old for the Power Trio. OK, he could try to listen to it, but he doesn’t want to.  Anyway, what really matters is that he enjoyed 2112 Back to The Future. Thank you, man.

sexta-feira, 6 de agosto de 2010

Mamonas Assassinas and Rush (coincidences)

Mamonas Assassinas and Rush (coincidences)e
Mamonas Assassinas and Rush (coincidences)e
Mamonas Assassinas are a huge band that made success in 1995 in Brazil. Hilarious songs, comic attitudes on stages in TV programs this band is one of the greatest in the Brazilian history. Unfortunately an air crash interrupted a fantastic carrier few months after its beginning.

Some Rush fans know that before becoming popular, Mamonas used to play bunch of Rush songs and some people say it had a Rush cover band. It´s possible to hear on their only on  CD, the “Tom Sawyer” introduction on the eleventh track “bois don´t cry” (it´s a pun because “bois” in Portuguese means “oxs”, and directly refers to the “The Cure” song “Boys Don’t Cry”).

Ok, bunch of Rush fans know that, but I don´t know if they already noticed it starts exactly on 2:11 to 2:12. It´s pretty much similar to a Rush number, don´t you think? Coincidently or not, Mamonas honored the Power Trio exactly in “Rush Time”.

(Spoiler) In 2112 Back to the Future, McFly ByNight goes out from the University upset and has an argument with his girlfriend. In English they talk about Rush´s influence on the movie, but in Portuguese this part is a little different. Actually they are talking about Mamonas Assassinas and how Rush has influenced it.
The girl doesn´t believe in that influence and says: “I have a Mamonas Assassinas CD in my hand, and I wanna know where is Rush here?”
Exactly in this moment, behind her, it´s possible to see a yellow car moving away, and McFly ByNight says:”Look behind you, there´s a “yellow Brasilia” over there.
Also being the capital of Brazil, Brasilia is the name of an old car fabricated a long time ago, and symbolizes the mainly Mamonas ´s hit. In the video clip they are travelling in a Brasilia by roadway and sing about a girl and this car.



When I was in 2006 in USA I founded an official Rush Calendar with great pictures, so I created something interesting.

In the end of day, moments before sleeping, I´ve written a short phrase that resumed that day in a particular way. If I had been in a party with my friends, I put “Having a Good Time Party´s DAY”.

Today I don´t buy the official Rush Calendar, I make on my own and I´ve been making since then. In December 31th I collect all the papers and can see all the important things that happened in the year. I think I got one organized and interesting timeline documented.




In 2004, two people with don´t know each other (and a little bit later would bem y friends) told me about na espetacular show they have gone, Rush in Rio, with coincidely happened in my birthday, november 23th , 2002.

In Brazil, some people know about Rush just because Macgyver opening program is the song “Tom Sawyer”, so I was one of those guys and I decided to listen just to check up.

So fortunelly I borrow Rush in Rio DVD, and when I listened “Earthshine” thousand of times I realized that I fell in love for Rush, and I still want to feel this until my last day in my life on earth.

In this occasion I´ve worked at my father´s company, and as soon as possible, I´ve downloaded some music and videos. So I started remembering about the power trio in my life, when some guy borrow me “All the World´s a Stage” album, and I ´ve tried to understand what the hell the vocalist would like to want screaming so sharp. I thought in myself, “he wants to say something great, but I still can´t understand”.

I also remembered that a colleague had invited me to go to Rush in Rio, but I denied, and this is today my worst regret.

I had problems with my internet connection, so I decided to go to my father´s company to download more songs, but his partners couldn´t know that I was going there “just” because of a band.

The " mercy shot" happened when I borrowed Rush in Rio, and couldn´t stop listening. "Earthshine" was unbelievible, and I knew each part of the show and today I still can´t stop listening.