segunda-feira, 9 de agosto de 2010


2112 – Back to the Future 

Making that connection was natural because I also love the movie, butI still needed lots of energy and phosphate to burn.
I can´t draw, but I can use photoshop sometimes, so I found an image and created a picture with Doc Brown and Marty McFly hitchhiking holding a 2112 sign, and showing to Lee, Lifeson and Peart who were going fast in a Delorean. I sent by email to Rob Seveertrebor, an English guy that is one of the most popular Rush guitar players on Youtube, and some fans as well.

I went to Rio de Janeiro (124 miles from my city) to watch Rush´s documentary “Beyond the Lighted Stage" and met some fans carrying my calendars, books, t-shirts, dvds, cds and other stuff. It was so cool when I heard people saying great words for my job, including one guy called Tiago, that didn´t know me until then: “Today I saw great pictures posted by a fan on internet”. His friends and I laughed loud and I said, that fan is on your side right now. I dined with Rush Rio Cover and it was a nice evening.

Coming back to my town, I watched a video of a friend of mine called @Pablo_Peixoto. It was so funny! He dubbed the movie “Falling Down”  using Dunga – Brazil´s Coach during the last World Cup – as “Michael Douglas”. The other characters were soccer players and Brazilian celebrities. It became so popular that it was the most watched video of the week in my country reaching 1,000,000 views in 7 days, and now it’s running in MTV’s VMB Awards in the  Web hit category against the infamous “Cala Boca Galvão”.

I played Rush’s songs in Wii’s Guitar Band with Pablo, but he said he’s too old for the Power Trio. OK, he could try to listen to it, but he doesn’t want to.  Anyway, what really matters is that he enjoyed 2112 Back to The Future. Thank you, man.

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